In het kort
- Niveau: Master
- Opleidingsvorm: Voltijd
- Taal: en
- Studiebelasting: 60 EC's
- Kosten: €2601 per jaar
Open dagen
Over International Supply Chain Management
Leadership makes the difference Markets are changing rapidly in a dynamic environment, and as a result, supply chains are in need of innovations. Therefore, the supply chain manager of the future is competent in a wide range of disciplines. Future supply chain leaders have specialist knowledge of the entire supply chain and understanding of the latest developments.
The core of the programme
The programme educates supply chain professionals who possess specialist knowledge of the entire supply chain. These professionals can develop into tomorrow’s supply chain leaders, because in addition to this specialist knowledge, they also have the right mix of social and analytical skills, for instance in the fi elds of leadership and data science. This will enable them to translate innovative supply chain concepts into useful solutions, which they can implement in practice. This is the core of this master’s programme.
You will distinguish yourself by achieving strategic-level competencies by demonstrating your ability in a professional environment, by developing a supply chain improvement plan and by influencing the implementation process. This aligns with the increasing demand for professionals who are capable of closing the gap between academic reality and professional practice. That is why collaboration with the industry is at the heart of our education programme.
Aanmelden kan tot

Meer over Breda University of Applied Sciences
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) is een kleinschalige en internationale hogeschool met zo’n 7.000 studenten. Vernieuwing, duurzaamheid en sociale verbondenheid zijn belangrijke thema’s in onze opleidingen.
Naast bacheloropleidingen en voltijd masteropleidingen, biedt BUas drie deeltijd masteropleidingen aan voor professionals: Executive Master Media Innovation, Executive MBA Imagineering en Master Strategic Events Management.
Door de succesvolle combinatie van theorie en praktische toepassing in een multiculturele samenstelling van studenten en een internationaal team van docenten, leer je strategische vaardigheden, probleemgericht denken en innoveren, om voorop te lopen in jouw sector. BUas heeft een groot en internationaal netwerk van organisaties, universiteiten en alumni, waarmee je samenwerkt in projecten uit het werkveld.